As Counting On fans know, Josh Duggar was arrested earlier this year, leaving his pregnant wife Anna Duggar with almost seven children to care for on her own. Josh was arrested for the possession of child sexual abuse material (child pornography), so he’s not allowed to be around children, except for his own. If he wants to see his kids, his wife Anna must supervise them.
Since Josh’s arrest, fans and critics alike have been hopeful that Anna will divorce Josh to protect herself and the kids. But due to the family’s religion, divorce is frowned upon. So, it doesn’t seem likely that she will leave him.
Anna reportedly believes her husband is innocent and that this is all a conspiracy by President Joe Biden. Josh is pleading not guilty as well.
In November, we will learn whether Josh is truly guilty. At that time, Anna still might not divorce him, even if he’s guilty. But Counting On viewers are calling on her to protect her kids.
Counting On fans express concerns for Anna Duggar and the kids.
On Reddit, Duggar Snarks are discussing the possibility of Anna leaving Josh. One user shares their thoughts about what Anna has been taught by the family’s religion and how she may just forgive Josh and move on since divorce is not an option.
In a new post, the user writes, “The cult manipulates women to stay with abusers and crow about their supposed eventual ‘redemption’ because it helps keep the monsters under the covers and fuels their narrative.”
In the comments section of the post, other viewers are discussing the possibility of divorce. One user writes, “The simple fact is they view divorce as worse than child sex abuse. End of it. Josh can come back from downloading pictures and videos that would make a decent person puke. But Anna leaving him for it is inexcusable. Marriage is forever but a r*ped kid just needs to shake it off.”
Anna will never leave J*sh – it doesn’t matter if she knows he’s guilty from DuggarsSnark
Yet another Duggar Snark adds, “I’m sure Anna also believes she’s at least partly at fault, since women are taught that nothing will go wrong in a marriage if wives are constantly joyfully available and responsible for cheating–or worse.”
So, do you think former Counting On star Anna Duggar will ever leave Josh? Or do you think she will stay with him no matter what? Let us know in the comments below.
For more updates about the Duggar family, check back with TV Shows Ace.