Swedish melodic death metal pioneers DARK TRANQUILLITY have parted ways with drummer Anders Jivarp and bassist Anders Iwers.
Jivarp is an original member of DARK TRANQUILLITY, having played on all of the band’s releases to date. Iwers joined DARK TRANQUILLITY in 2016 and played on the group’s last two albums, 2016’s “Atoma” and 2020’s “Moment”.
Jivarp and Iwers will be replaced on DARK TRANQUILLITY‘s upcoming tour by Joakim Strandberg Nilsson (IN MOURNING, WOLVES WITHIN) and Christian Jansson (GRAND CADAVER, PAGANDOM), respectively.
DARK TRANQUILLITY frontman Mikael Stanne shared the news of Jivarp and Iwers‘s departures in a statement on social media earlier today. He wrote: “Times have truly changed.
“This last year and a half has been challenging to say the least, and we’ve all had time to think over our decisions and motivations in all aspects of life. When removed from what you take for granted, it becomes clear that you realize what is truly important in life. And this is different for everybody.
“Anders Jivarp and Anders Iwers have decided to move on to other things and not be a part of the band anymore.
“These are two of the most amazing, loyal and dedicated friends and musicians you could ever find and as sad as we are seeing them go, we know that if passion leads you elsewhere you should follow it.
“Anders Jivarp has of course been there from the very beginning, being instrumental in creating the sound that eventually became our own. His songs are some of our most beloved and with the exception of one insane evening in Istanbul 20 years ago he has played every single show since the band’s inception. We’re excited to hear what will come out of Anders‘ future musical projects.
“Anders Iwers has been with us for the last six years but since we have known each other from the very early days of the band it felt like he had always been there. He played on our two latest records, not to mention being an integral part of our live shows.
“We love you guys so much and we wish you the absolute best in everything that you do.”
Released in November 2020, “Moment” was recorded at Nacksving Studios and Rogue Music by Martin Brändström and then mixed/mastered by Jens Bogren at Fascination Street Studios.
Times have truly changed.
This last year and a half has been challenging to say the least, and we’ve all had time to…
Posted by Dark Tranquillity on Friday, August 13, 2021
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