Disney Adults Share What It’s Like to Be a Grown-up Fan

The fandom is also often surrounded by misconceptions, criticism, and sometimes hatred.

Priya Chadha said she’s experienced criticism of Disney adults online and off.

Priya Chadha

Parker said she’s heard critics say Disney adults are “weird and don’t live in reality,” while Chadha said she’s heard that they’re “childish and immature.”

“They think we don’t have real jobs, real bills, and real lives,” Parker said of critics. “I used to get upset and frustrated, but now it’s like, they just don’t know and I feel sorry for them. I wish they were here on my level of happiness and joy.”

Of course, many of these criticisms are shared online “by trolls,” as Duce noted. And as Buzzfeed recently reported, many Disney adults will tell you that they don’t care what others think.

But the bad reputation of Disney adults has extended off the internet, and some fans say the comments can get to them.

“I’ve definitely gotten a lot of judgment in person,” Chadha said. “I have a Disney tattoo on my wrist, and pretty much any time I’m interacting with someone, they either have a huge smile or a really quick look of judgment.” 

Rozy added that she finds the criticism “so hurtful” because she feels Disney adults are “loving, caring, and friendly.”

“That’s what’s so crazy about the bad reputation,” she said. “It’s such a loving community.”

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