Dog sitter rejects job offer after owner sends through ‘insane’ list of rules

A dog sitter agreed to look after a pet named Junie for nine days but quickly changed her mind when the “rude” owner sent through a list of six rules she had to follow

Others said the owner was looking for someone to “exploit”

A dog sitter says she was forced to turn down a job after the owner issued her with a ridiculous list of demands that came with it.

In screenshots of a text message exchange between the pair, they agree the job will last just over one week while the owner is away, but before it is finalised she warns: “I want to make some things abundantly clear (because the last few sitters let me down).”

The owner, named Claudia, then reels off six bullet points which may go some way to explain why previous sitters didn’t quite meet her lofty expectations when it came to looking after Junie the dog.

The messages were shared on Imgur with the caption: “Rude lady wants me to watch her diabetic dog for basically nothing.”

The job was very poorly paid (stock image)


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Setting out the strict rules the owner insists are followed, she writes:

  1. I will pay you $110 for your services. You are there to make sure Junie is fed, watered, and medicated. That is a fair price.
  2. You are to be there 90% of the time. Last year our AC went out while the girl was at work and we lost two rabbits because she was not there.
  3. Any emergencies you will pay for out of your own pocket. You are in charge of taking care of Junie and if anything should happen under your supervision IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
  4. Yes, we do have cameras and check them frequently. No friends over, parties, or anything of the like.
  5. Keep your phone on loud. I cannot stress how much anxiety I get when I call to check on her and I do not get a response.
  6. And finally 6. You will be paid in full approximately 24 hours after I return. I will make sure Junie isn’t showing any anxiety, etc before I write the cheque.

She finishes it: “Are we clear?” and, unsurprisingly, the sitter chooses to pass on earning £80 for a full week’s work, which could also leave her massively out of pocket should an emergency completely outside of her control happen to Junie.

She replies simply to say: “Hi Claudia, unfortunately I would not be able to meet all the demands. I hope you find a great sitter!”

When she is pushed to reveal which parts of the job description she found “too hard”, she explains she wouldn’t be able to be there 90 per cent of the time for the money offered, while also having the responsibility of checking the dog’s blood sugar levels.

It doesn’t go down well as Claudia snaps back: “If it’s too hard then it’s too hard. I thought I’d give Stephanie’s friend a chance but obviously you don’t need the money that bad. I don’t want your ‘services’.”

People were left stunned by her demands, as one replied to say: “9 days, 21.6 hours there per day, so, about $0.56 per hour! Why on Earth did that woman turn down the job???”

A second wrote: “She’s not looking for dog sitting services. She’s looking for someone to exploit.”

And another added: “If you can’t afford a sitter at a reasonable rate, you can’t afford a holiday.”

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