The latest Big Brother 23 eviction show is happening in just over 24 hours, but is Christian starting to realize that his goose is cooked?
One of the things that the guy has held onto ever since the Veto Ceremony was over was that some houseguests were leaving the door open for him to stay. We know that he clearly had Alyssa’s support, and he also thought that both Xavier and some of the Jokers could have his back. He’s had a final two deals with Britain in the past!
For our most recent Big Brother 23 video update right now, be sure to check out what we’ve got at the bottom of this article! Once you take a look at that, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube! We will have more updates there throughout the season, and of course, we don’t want you missing any of those.
However, this morning Azah went to Christian and made it clear that he won’t have her vote, and we think the picture is starting to become clearer to him just how screwed he is. He’s been campaigning all week, and honestly, it hasn’t gotten him far.
The biggest headline from the past two days isn’t actually Christian; instead, it’s the potential downfall of the Cookout Alliance. Tiffany was distraught last night that the Jokers were giving Christian false hope, and it was putting her in a position where she would look like a swing vote in his eyes and put more of the blame on her if he was evicted. Naturally, she didn’t want that, and because of this, she tried to strongarm the Jokers into clearing things up with him outright. To a certain extent, it worked — however, in doing this, she’s also made Azah and Derek F. extremely distrusting of her, to the point where Derek F. actually wants Sarah Beth to win Head of Household so that she can put Tiffany on the block.
Do you think that there is any chance Christian could stick around on Big Brother 23?
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