Vijay Devarakonda will be starring in the movie ‘Liger’ along with Ananya Panday. ‘Liger’ is directed, and written by Puri Jagannadh. Puri Jagannadh has also produced ‘Liger’ along with Charmme Kaur and Karan Johar. ‘Liger’ is a drama and action film filled with adrenaline.
Digital Rights of ‘Liger’
As per the latest speculations, it has been found that the digital rights of ‘Liger’ starring Vijay Devarakonda and Ananya Panday are owned by a famous OTT platform for a large sum of money. There have been no confirmations or announcements about the digital rights and streaming date. The official information is yet not confirmed.
‘Liger’ Movie OTT Release Date
Vijay Devarakonda’s ‘Liger’ is expected to release on the famous OTT platform around mid of 2021. People have been searching about the movie on Amazon Prime but the release date has not been finalized yet. OTT release date will be confirmed after the theatrical release of the film. The movie ‘Liger’ is expected to release in the first week of June 2021.
Although, the TV release date of ‘Liger’ has not been announced yet it is most likely to release on TV during the first week of September 2021. You will be able to watch the film ‘Liger’ on the OTT platform just after a few weeks of its release.
‘Liger’ Movie trailer
The official trailer of the movie ‘Liger’ starring Ananya Panday and Vijay Devarakonda is not out yet. But we can expect it very soon.