Mum reveals trick to make sure your kids ALWAYS want their packed lunch & it’s super simple

DESPITE our best efforts to put together a varied and exciting lunchbox for our kids, we never quite know how they’re going to go down.

Sometimes they’ll go mad for the apple slices and the next day they won’t touch them. Sound familiar?


The mum shared her method for getting her kids to eat all theirl unchCredit: Facebook

Well if this rings true in your household, then you might want to take a leaf out of this savvy mum’s book.

Earlier this month, Australian mum Curstie revealed her very simple method of preparing lunchboxes which ensures her kids eat everything in there.

Posting on a parenting Facebook group, Curstie shared a photo of the list she’s created which allows her kids to have a certain level of control over what they have in their lunch.

She wrote: “Kind of proud of this, not going to lie.

“The kids know exactly what the lunch options are, they get to pick what they want and I cross out things we are out of with a marker so they know it’s not an option for now.”

On the left-hand side, the mum has laid out the main thing they’ll be having for lunch that day – whether that’s a sandwich, wrap or skewers.

But on the right, she’s created a column where her kids can pick and choose what sides they want.

Dividing it into colour-coded sections, Curstie asks her kids to pick two green items – which fall in the fruit and veg category.

This can include raisins, cucumbers, peppers and blueberries.

When they’ve done this, they then get to choose one thing in the blue and pink sections – which include cookies, crisps and yoghurt bars.

Needless to say, Curstie’s method was a hit with other parents in the group.

“Awesome idea! May steal it, I hope you don’t mind,” one replied. “My son is starting school and I’m stumped for ideas.”

Another added: “Yes! Love it. Copying this for when my kid learns how to read.”

Meanwhile, a third said: “Can you make my lunch? This is such a great idea!”

For more parenting stories, this mum-of-10 revealed how she feeds her children & she’s up from 4am to 11pm to get through all her chores.

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