The 47-year-old actress was handed the prestigious Volpi Cup for her leading role in Pedro Almodovar’s new film ‘Parallel Mothers” – in which she plays Janis – at the annual movie extravaganza in Italy on Saturday (11.09.21).
Accepting the accolade, she said: “Thank you, Pedro. This is 100 per cent yours.
“Thanks for once again trusting me, for inspiring me every day with your search for truth, outside and inside.”
It was also a big night for Maggie Gyllenhaal as she secured the gong for Best Screenplay for her psychological drama film ‘The Lost Daughter’, while Jane Campion became the second woman to receive the Silver Lion for Best Director since the award was introduced in 1990.
The 67-year-old screen bagged the prize for her Netflix film ‘The Power of the Dog’ – her first feature film in 12 years – and said: “It’s amazing to get an award from you people. You’ve made the bar very, very high for me in cinema, Bong, Chloé.”
Elsewhere, Filippo Scotti was recognised for his role in ‘The Hand of God’ and was presented with the Best Young Actor award, John Arcilla was named Best Actor for his part in ‘On the Job: Missing 8’, and Audrey Diwan picked up the Golden Lion for her French abortion drama ‘Happening’.
Diwan – who has become the sixth woman to ever receive the highly sought-after award – said: “I did this movie with anger. I did the movie with desire also. I did it with my belly, my guts, my heart, my head. I wanted Happening to be an experience.”
The list of main winners are as follows;
Best Young Actor: Filippo Scotti – ‘The Hand of God’
Special Jury Prize: ‘Il Buco’ (dir. Michelangelo Frammartino)
Best Screenplay: ‘The Lost Daughter’ – (Maggie Gyllenhaal)
Best Actor: John Arcilla – ‘On the Job: Missing 8’
Best Actress: Penélope Cruz – ‘Parallel Mothers’
Silver Lion for Best Director: Jane Campion – ‘The Power of the Dog’
Silver Lion Grand Jury Prize: ‘The Hand of God’ – Paolo Sorrentino
Golden Lion: ‘Happening’ – (dir. Audrey Diwan)