Pete Buttigieg Shares Exciting Family News


Pete Buttigieg was the first openly gay male presidential candidate in the U.S., and only the second to have a position in the Cabinet (via The Independent). He’d previously said that he and his husband were planning to have children, and less than a year later, it looks as if they’ve achieved their goal (via People).

At the time, Buttigieg’s husband, Chasten, explained that the couple were “just navigating those conversations” around having kids, saying, “I’m so glad that we get this time … And it’s allowed us to have conversations, those necessary conversations, and now it’s really overwhelming figuring out how and where and when, and how much — my God.”

It was only recently that the Buttigiegs were the target of attack from Republican senatorial candidate J.D. Vance, who described them, alongside fellow Democrats Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cory Brooker, and Vice President Kamala Harris as “childless cat ladies” — Chasten was quick to defend himself and his husband, however, writing on Twitter, “As a father, [Vance] should know better” (via The Independent).

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