Hey there! The L Word: Generation Q is an American drama television series produced by Showtime that premiered on December 8, 2019. It is a sequel series to The L Word, which aired on Showtime from 2004 to 2009. A first-look screening took place on December 9, 2019, hosted by House of Pride, to coincide with the US release.
What is the show about? When is it going to come out? Is it worth watching? Will we be having another season of it? Well, you got to keep on reading more to find out! So, let us start! Here are the answers to your questions!
What is the show about?
Generation Q is set over ten years after The L Word, in the new setting of Silver Lake, Los Angeles. Several actors from the original series returned to reprise their roles alongside a new ensemble of diverse characters. The show centers on a group of diverse LGBTQ+ characters experiencing love, heartbreak, sex, setbacks, personal growth and success in Los Angeles.
Is the show coming back with its another season?
The show is surely coming back with its another season. In January 2020, Showtime renewed the series for a second season. Stay tuned for the latest updates!
The L Word: Generation Q Season 2: Official Release Date
The wait is finally over! Here is good news for all of you. Season 2 premieres on 8 August 2021 only on Showtime. Save the date!
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The L Word: Generation Q Season 2: Official Teaser
The L Word: Generation Q Season 2: Cast and Characters
Most of the main cast will be returning for the upcoming season as well. On the show, we will be having Jennifer Beals as Bette Porter, Katherine Moennig as Shane McCutcheon, and Leisha Hailey as Alice Pieszecki. Also, we will be seeing Arienne Mandi as Dani Núñez, Sepideh Moafi as Gigi Ghorbani, and Leo Sheng as Micah Lee. Also, we will be having Jacqueline Toboni as Sarah Finley, Rosanny Zayas as Sophie Suarez, Jordan Hull as Angelica “Angie” Porter-Kennard, and many others on the show!