Watch Yngwie Malmsteen Perform In Houston

Watch YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Perform In Houston

Fan-filmed video footage of Yngwie Malmsteen‘s July 31 performance at Warehouse Live in Houston, Texas can be seen below.

Yngwie‘s new album, “Parabellum”, was released on July 23 via Music Theories Recordings/Mascot Label Group. Only four of the songs on the LP feature vocals. The album title is Latin, translating as “Prepare For War”.

After working with some of the top hard singers of the past four decades, Yngwie now handles much of the lead vocals himself in his own band, backed by a lineup that includes keyboardist Nick Marino, bassist/vocalist Ralph Ciavolino and drummer Brian Wilson.

In June, Yngwie announced a month-long fall 2021 U.S. tour. Support on the trek will come from former MARILYN MANSON and current ROB ZOMBIE guitarist John 5.

During a recent YouTube livestream for his 58th birthday, Malmsteen was asked if he would ever consider making an album that is reminiscent of his earlier efforts, as requested by some of his biggest fans. He responded: “Obviously, I’m very flattered that so many people like what I do, but I’m also aware that a lot of people don’t like what I do. So what I end up doing is I don’t make albums on request — except [2019’s] ‘Blue Lightning’ [which paid homage to those from the blues world who have inspired him] was a little bit like a request album, a little bit, although I did what I wanted anyway. But especially on this last album, ‘Parabellum’, it’s a very, very honest album. It’s exactly what comes out of me — exactly. And some people have heard it and they say that it reminds them of the older days. And that’s fine. And if it doesn’t, it doesn’t. It wasn’t intentional.”

He continued: “I just do what I feel like doing. And what I’ve done in the past is in the past. And I’m not gonna go back, ‘Oh, yeah, maybe I should do that. Maybe I should not.’ I don’t work like that. I actually let it flow naturally. It has to come to me like a spontaneous thing for me to love it. And even though I actually could do things on request — if you want me to, I can write a country and western song right now; I could do that, but I don’t want to do that. I wanna make music that comes from within me as a spontaneous, honest expression. And if people love it, I’m very happy. If they don’t, I won’t change it anyway.”

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