Vivo is the new, animated adventure from Sony Pictures Animation that has just released on Netflix, starring Hamilton’s Lin-Manuel Miranda as the titular, singing character.
Directed by Kirk DeMicco, Vivo’s music was composed by Miranda and collaborator Alex Lacamoire, known for his work on the aforementioned musical and In the Heights. Vivo tells a love story following a cute, music-loving animal, but fans of the film are wondering exactly what type of animal Vivo is.
What Animal is Vivo?
- Vivo is a kinkajou in the animated film.
Also known as honey bears, kinkajous are native to more tropical climates of rainforests in Central and South America and they are also related to raccoons. They can be identified by their round head, large eyes and pointed snout, accompanied by their tail which acts as another grabbing mechanism for tree climbing.
Primarily dwelling in trees, kinkajous mostly survive on a diet of raw fruit and are often mistaken to be endangered species due to their rare sightings and nocturnal habits.
There have been a variety of non-profit organizations set up in various locations to protect the kinkajous from captivity or trading.
What is Vivo About?
Vivo follows the kinkajou on an adventure filled with love and music, as he embarks on a journey to fulfill his destiny of delivering a song to an old friend.
Set in Havana, Cuba, Vivo and his performing partner Andrés Hernández have their lives unexpectedly uprooted when the latter receives a letter from an old friend announcing that she is retiring from music. Vivo then undertakes a colorful journey through vibrant locations in order to deliver a love song about how Andrés feels about his friend.
Zoe Saldana, Michael Rooker and Gloria Estefan are just a few other familiar voices on board to help narrate Vivo’s compelling journey, and the kinkajou also enlists the help of the energetic Gabi (Ynairaly Simo) to help him on his mission.
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