What Kind of Dog Does ‘RHONY’ Star Sonja Morgan Have?

The New Yorker’s dog is a Poodle with a “laid back and relaxed” spirit, who was named after Ziggy and Bob Marley. Sonja and her daughter, Quincy Adams Morgan, purchased Marley from The Dog Store in New York City in 2010.

About a year after Sonja brought Marley home, he was hit by a car. Marley was injured, and he was subsequently treated by a veterinarian. He eventually made a recovery.

In 2012, Sonja told K9 Magazine that Marley had the “total opposite” disposition of her late dog, Millou. Longtime fans of RHONY will remember when Sonja held a funeral for Millou, who passed away at the age of 18, and scattered his ashes in the East River in Season 6.

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