BREAKING Michael K. Williams dead: The Wire Omar actor dies aged 54 in apartment ‘with drug paraphernalia’

Actor Michael K. Williams has been found dead in his home in Brooklyn, New York, on Monday afternoon, local law enforcement has confirmed to The Post.

Sources told the publication that drug paraphernalia was found in the apartment, suggesting a “possible overdose”, with further reports claiming his nephew found him in his home.

Michael, 54, has been active in the acting industry since 1995, landing some big roles across the years.

Best known for his role as Omar Little on The Wire, Michael is a well-known actor globally, growing to particular success in 2002 when he made his debut on the show.

Michael K Williams has been found dead in his Brooklyn apartment

His time on the show definitely made an impact, as he was nominated for a NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actor in a Drama Series in 2007 due to his role.

It was clear that he made an impact to his fans too, with many taking to Twitter to share their tributes to the actor.

Fellow Wire castmate Isiah Whitlock Jr. wrote: “Shocked and saddened by the death of Michael K. Williams. One of the nicest brothers on the planet with the biggest heart.

Tributes have poured in, including from co-star Isiah Whitlock JR.

“An amazing actor and soul. May you RIP. God bless.”

Another user wrote: “RIP to the man who made Omar Little one of the greatest characters in television history. Anyone who watched Michael K. Williams act was better for the experience.”

A third fan said: “We lost a great one. Rest in peace, Michael K. Williams.”

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Tom Kucher

For as long as Tom can remember, he has understood the reality around him through the tinted glasses of works of fiction, be it books, films, TV shows, or anime. An English graduate, he wrote articles on a wide array of topics for several years, from entertainment and pop culture to history and literature. Before that, he was an educator and a roleplay game writer and developer. It is his deeply-rooted love for performing arts and visual media that led him to become a part of the DC team in 2020.

Published by
Tom Kucher