Married At First Sight UK teases trouble in paradise as two couples are on the rocks

In Monday night’s episode Married At First Sight fans witnessed Alexis and Jordan tie the knot, alongside Tayah and Adam, and although things were looking good, it’s not all rosy on the honeymoon.

While Tayah and Adam are going from strength to strength, it looks like Alexis and Jordan could be on the rocks, after an initial concern at their wedding reception.

The pair seemed to end the night on a high, but the trailer definitely suggests otherwise.

Cracks start to show for both Alexis and Jordan and Amy and Josh, as Josh is seen in the gym fiddling with his wedding ring.

There is trouble brewing in paradise

In their hotel room, he tells Amy: “I can’t be affectionate 24/7.”

She responds: “I think we’re just very different people Josh.”

As it looks like Amy and Josh are reaching breaking point, as are Alexis and Jordan, with the beauty sitting opposite him on a double date donning a purple dress as she refuses to change.

She tells him: “That’s the way I speak babe and it ain’t gonna change.”

Josh is spotted fiddling with his wedding ring

Jordan gets out of his seat and walks away, saying: “It’s just ridiculous,” while Alexis takes a sip from her wine glass.

It comes after Alexis and Jordan, who didn’t appear to get off to the best start, patched things up by the end of the night after their wedding and seemed to be making good steps – but it may have gone downhill.

Elsewhere, Tayah and Adam and Franky and Marilyse seem to hitting it off as they appear even closer after heading on their luxury honeymoon.

Franky was carrying Marilyse up a cliff as she can be heard saying, “Do not drop me”, which follows by him saying, “Silly Frank,” to the camera – but hopefully it’s nothing too serious.

Regardless of what may have happened between the pair, they’re seen kissing in the bath later, so it looks like things are still going well for them.

Similarly with Tayah and Adam, who clicked immediately once they met and had a lavish date as they rode horses into the ocean.

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Tom Kucher

For as long as Tom can remember, he has understood the reality around him through the tinted glasses of works of fiction, be it books, films, TV shows, or anime. An English graduate, he wrote articles on a wide array of topics for several years, from entertainment and pop culture to history and literature. Before that, he was an educator and a roleplay game writer and developer. It is his deeply-rooted love for performing arts and visual media that led him to become a part of the DC team in 2020.

Published by
Tom Kucher