How technology is changing the movie industry

Technology continues to have an enormous impact on our lives, as well as on all industry niches imaginable. We have to admit that technology has completely changed the film industry: from black and white movies in the 1900s to high-definition films that make the audience feel as if they are there. Life is easier for everybody, including the filmmakers, because just 50 years ago, cameras had to have an entire crew to operate. Once the film was captured, the editing was done by physically cutting and splicing together pieces of film. Making a movie back then was a complex process that only resulted in low-quality images. 

New technologies used by movie makers 

Even if technology has started and transformed the world from the 1980s, you can still say that you are amazed about all the innovations and applications people develop and release currently. Filmmakers’ current technologies push them to exceed their boundaries to create and release amazing videos and films. With the help of new high-technology that has evolved, you can even sit in the comfort of your house and make a movie instead of physically going to work. Of course, you have the assistance of editing mechanisms. Also, you can cooperate with your movie crew online through different programs once the movie has been filmed. It’s funny how you can do almost everything from home now. For example, with technology, you can even play online games like Fortnite, Tetris, or online slots rather than going to a local arcade room for your enjoyment. It is incredible how much the film industry has improved because of well-equipped gadgets, devices, new audiovisual techniques, and hardware technologies. Were you aware that all the astonishing panoramic views you enjoyed for years in movies were shot using helicopters or low-flying airplanes? Currently, drones have replaced this technique, which came as valuable and practical techniques to help moviemakers shoot panoramic shots involving much fewer complexities.

Another benefit of technology in this industry is the 4K technology coupled with 3D effects, a critical element of visually engaging action drama and sci-fi movies. Cameras can now shoot 3D videos with 4K resolution, which helps filmmakers capture breathtaking scenes underwater and on land. In addition, there is Dual Camera virtual reality (VR) that allows viewers to experience more realistic, entertaining, and immersive 360-degree viewing. Since the 1990s, 3D technology has evolved, which helped movie makers and movie spectators engage in a better experience. Besides all that, you can now experience 4D, 5D, 7D, and 9D, which are interactive alternatives to classic cinemas. If you don’t want to go to a cinema to see a movie, now you have another option to watch a movie from your house through different platforms like Netflix or HBO. Directly we can all agree how much technology has improved our lives. 

The main aspects of the movie industry revolutionized by technology

It is captivating to observe the evolution of film quality with technology: from the moment the light enters the lens onset to the moment it is shown onto the big screen, it is affected by the usage and advancement of technology. A substantial aspect of movie making is the editing process, which is now a much easier process. We are a long way from the physical editing process I mentioned above. It is still a complex chore to attain. Film editors are assisted by functions and helpful tools like AVID, Premiere, and so on. With the help of technology, the art of filmmaking is booming, and now it can be done perfectly: moviemakers can add effects in the most natural way possible, making the whole film look like another reality for its viewers. When it comes to film production nowadays, attention to detail is one of the top priority tasks.

Moreover, in today’s modern world, shooting films is just another aspect that technology has improved. For example, filmmakers can place several digital cameras in different angles for capturing the same shot so that in the post-production stage, you can pick up the picture you want. Digital cameras give moviemakers a lot of control over the shooting process because they can adjust contrast, color scheme, saturation, light scheme, and more to produce better quality for movies. Big studios continue to rely upon the traditional distribution process, but now they have the option, thanks to web development, to connect people far and wide. Also, the preservation process has changed, and for now, this process involves just a few megabytes of storage space in the computer and no physical storage of the film.

The bottom line 

In recent years, it has become more evident that technology is our friend and not our enemy. Especially in these times, when almost every industry niche had to move their activity in the online sector. Without technology, several businesses were in danger of falling into ruin. In conclusion, technology has taken the film industry from silent, black and white films to a blooming sector with every new technology that comes up. 

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