Turns out, Janelle Brown of Sister Wives might not be as committed to RV life as she’s led her fans to believe on Instagram. The TLC personality took to Facebook recently to own up to something. She admitted to her followers that she won’t be braving the winter season on the land in her RV. This revelation, of course, has Sister Wives fans’ heads spinning.
If she isn’t going to live in her RV on the Coyote Pass property… Where exactly is she going to live? After all, she did sell her home when she made the decision to convert to RV life. So, it isn’t like she has a house to go back to temporarily.
Janelle Brown has been living the RV life
The Sister Wives star has been very open about her decision to live on the land in an RV. Unsurprisingly, she was met with a lot of criticism from her fans and followers. Some fans admitted they thought it was gross her husband was comfortable with her living this way. Janelle, however, clapped back at the criticism that she had a mind of her own and no one — including her husband Kody — told her what to do or how to live.
She followed up with this criticism by revealing that Kody has spent time with her on the land at the RV on more than one occasion. The Sister Wives stars have documented date nights on more than one occasion.
Now, Janelle Brown did admit fans gave her some good feedback regarding RV life. She was told she needed to find a good RV handyman because she would need repair work done from time to time. Janelle Brown admits it wasn’t long before she found the value in having a capable handyman she could trust. To no ones surprise, it wasn’t her husband Kody doing the work around the RV.
The Sister Wives star is NOT committed to RV life
Janelle Brown had some big news to share on Facebook today. She admitted that she wasn’t fully committed to living off the grid. While she enjoyed doing it for the summer, she had no plans to brave the winter in her RV. Her post, however, did suggest she would return to the RV life in the spring. But, that she wasn’t prepared to endure the winter season on the land and off the grid.
The information did leave Sister Wives fans scratching their heads. They were under the impress Janelle Brown sold her home and downgraded to the RV. If she wasn’t going to live in the RV during the winter months… Where would she live? Was she going to purchase a home? Or, would she live with one of her sister wives?
Are you surprised Janelle Brown isn’t continuing to live her RV life in the winter? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. And, keep coming back for the latest on the Sister Wives.