Kate Walsh is one of the few “Grey’s Anatomy” alum who made it out alive. They couldn’t kill her character, Dr. Addison Montgomery, because she left the series for the spin off, “Private Practice.”
Well, now, Walsh is returning to “Grey’s” after many seasons away largely because her character is among the few from the show’s beginning who is still alive. Walsh posted a notice to Instagram and I must say she looks younger now than she did then. What does Derek Shepherd’s first wife want? Why is she returning to Seattle? I guess we’ll find out soon enough.
“Grey’s” is also bringing back Meredith’s dead mother in the person of Kate Burton, and adding Peter Gallagher maybe as Meredith’s real father. It’s season 18, they’ve gotten rid of so many people, and they’re clearly running out of stories. Plus, “Grey’s” goes up against the cult favorite “Law & Order SVU” and “Organized Crime,” so they need some gimmicks to keep fans tuned in.
Addison will return to “Grey’s” to find both McDreamy and McSteamy dead, a statistical improbability for young men in good health unless their contracts were cancelled. I’m sure someone will explain it all to her. .