‘Love in Paradise’: Key talks about her past

‘Love in Paradise’ Spoilers finds that reveal that in the last episode we saw Key basically tell Mark not to rush her into the whole commitment thing because ever since she overdosed a decade ago she has decided that life is too short to go at things in a rush.

Even though Mark was there for Key during the most difficult times of her life, he had previously stated that there was a language barrier and that they didn’t really communicate too well back then, so the relationship eventually broke up, even though it was amicably so.

‘Love in Paradise’: Key talks about her past

That wasn’t the only recent discovery about Key. According to Mark, Key has been married before, a fact that she never exactly mentioned. So somewhere in the last 10 years, after Mark left, and before they found each other on social media, Key had a romance and got married.

That’s not really all that surprising, after all, a decade is plenty of time in which to do just that. However what was surprising was just how toxic the relationship became for Key. First off, Key seemed dumbfounded that Mark would even want to bring up her divorce, it’s not a taboo subject in the United States but Key looked almost offended.

I’m not sure if it’s a cultural thing or if Key just didn’t feel the need to bring up the past because it was over and done with, but Mark persisted and semed to get the answer he was looking for.

Key said that her ex was one of those guys who, all he wanted to do was drink beer and watch soccer and hang with his friends, he literally didn’t want to spend time with her by going to dinner or dancing or doing any of the things that she liked to do. So Key finally started going out by herself and in the end, ended up seeking attention from other, older men who would pay attention to her.

She said the relationship ended with her ex sending her a text message basically accusing her of being with another man – only, it was completely true, and that’s when they decided to end the relationship and divorce right there.

Mark seemed to be surprised by how cut and dry that this relationship was. I think there was probably a lot more drama and tears to it, but Key wasn’t going to tell Mark that.

Key is very guarded about what information that she gives out to Mark, and one can’t really blame her for that. She’s been hurt before and she’s used to taking care of herself. Mark better tread carefully. Stay tuned!!!

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