Mom of 7-Year-Old Boy Discovers He Spent Thousands of Dollars on Games

A mother of a 7-year-old boy was in utter shock when she found out how much of her money her son had spent on games, completely lost as to how she would get the enormous amount back.

A 7-year-old boy’s mother received the fright of her life when she found out what her son had done. Scrolling through her iPad, the TikTok user named EllieL showed viewers on it just how much money she lost.

With “Muffins In The Freezer” by Tiagz playing in the background, the mom scrolled through her iPad, showing all the viewers which app add-ons her son bought, which were primarily related to Hungry Shark Evolution.  Shutterstock Shutterstock

According to the video’s description, the evidently smart little one had used fingerprint access to get into her Application store. The mom, whose username is “lynderella37_boymom,” included overlay text which read:

“Who spent $6000 on app add ons? My 7yo. [sic]”

Many commentators on the clip found the situation quite funny, while several sympathized with the original poster. A significant amount, however, criticized the TikTok user and her parenting skills.

Individual commenting on a post by EllieL. │Source: lynderella37_boymom

Individual commenting on a post by EllieL. │Source: lynderella37_boymom

One commenter encouraged EllieL to take the cash he spent on the games out of his college fund. Several also said that she should try to get a refund.

Many Redditors pegged her as a terrible mother.

Many were divided on this recommendation, with some individuals stating that she would most likely get her money back. Others emphasized that it was impossible.

The original poster herself said in the overlay text that she would try and get a refund. In the description box, the mother stated she would post a Part 2 to let everyone know if it worked.

Unfortunately, as she revealed in a Part 2 video, the naysayers were correct. EllieL wrote in the clip that she was unable to get the money back.

The mom also admitted that she was to blame and that everyone is guilty of making mistakes. However, she penned, she still feels upset regarding the large amount of money lost.

While some children are lucky enough to struggle over iPad costs, others’ challenges are more humble. One teenage girl asked her mother for her own room, but the mother declined due to space and money.

A mother of a 16-year-old daughter and a 14-year-old brother asked Redditors if it was okay for her to tell her daughter to sleep in the living room. This was after the young lady asked if she could have a separate area.

Many Redditors pegged her as a terrible mother, while others listed these sentiments as privileged. Either way, raising and providing for children is challenging, and there will always be people who judge.

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