Ricky Greenhowe, a 47-year-old fisherman from Scotland was in for a surprise when he hauled in his catch for the day. It’s because, amid the fishes, he discovered a rare blue lobster. He also took to Facebook to share pictures about this incredible find and they have now mesmerised people.
“One in a million chances they say,” reads the caption shared along with the pictures. The images show the blue-coloured lobster sitting among his other catches.
Turns out, after catching the rare creature, Greenhowe pinched himself to make sure that he isn’t dreaming, reports CNN. “I will phone Macduff Aquarium to see if they want it, if not I will put him back. It’s so rare, it would be a shame to put it in a pot,” he told the BBC.
Take a look at the post:
Since being shared, it has gathered various kinds of comments. “Super,” wrote a Facebook user. “An interesting one Ricky. Well done,” expressed another.
The colour of the blue lobsters is caused due to a genetic abnormality that makes them producer a certain type of protein more than others, reports the BBC.
What are your thoughts on the find?