YouTuber under fire after asking her son to cry for video thumbnail

YouTube vlogger Jordan Cheyanne is facing backlash, with fans accusing her of using her emotionally distressed son to garner views in a video. 

Jordan Cheyanne is a lifestyle vlogger from California, with over 530,000 subscribers. Mainly capturing content depicting her family life and fitness tips, the YouTuber has been under fire from the Twitter community for one of her latest videos.

The video titled “We are heartbroken” has since been deleted, but has still found its way onto social media.


YouTube: Jordan Cheyanne

The vlogger mainly uploads lifestyle orientated content.

Controversial thumbnail

In the vlog “We are heartbroken,” Jordan and her son discuss how plans to adopt a puppy were changed after discovering that the canine had contracted an illness. Before closing out the video Jordan asks her son to come into the frame: “Come closer, put your head over here”.

Upset by the news, her son was visibly crying about the vlog’s subject matter. “Act like you’re crying” Cheyanne requested before her son replied with “I am crying.” Cheyanne goes on to instruct her son further on how to make the thumbnail.

Despite the removal of the original video, Twitter users haven’t hesitated in vocalising their concern. “I will NEVER understand showing your child breaking down on the internet. You’re supposed to protect them” one user commented on the matter of creating family vlog content.

Jordan Chayenne apologizes

Following the growing amount of replies to Jordan’s actions, the vlogger returned to YouTube shortly after to issue a response. Addressing the thumbnail moment head-on, she said “it was so disgusting of me, I should not have done that at all.”

Describing the latter half of the video as a blooper segment, Jordan acknowledged that many viewers already caught the moment before deletion: “I re-watched it and you guys are completely right”.

While comments are disabled on the apology video, more social media comments continue to pour in.

The YouTuber released a final video addressing the situation. “I will not be including Christian in any future content, and fully taking a step back from social media to prioritize my son’s and my mental health” Jordan confirmed in the video’s description.

Jordan hasn’t followed up her last video at the time of writing, but it is safe to assume her content will take a new direction going forward.

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